Portuguese Language

It is necessary to add in a similar way that the language and grammar are not equivalent, that language and Normative Grammar also not. Since the Normative Grammar corresponds only to a part of the internalizada grammar. Not he doubts of that we must teach the Normative Grammar in the lessons of Portuguese Language, even so let us know perfectly that it does not teach nobody to speak, to read and to write with precision. In this Uchoa direction (2007, p.24) it says in them that: The grammar by itself, evidently is not enough for the practical learning of the language, because knowing to speak of a language it is not alone to have grammatical ability (domain of rules) corresponding to this language. The duty of the school is to teach offering it to the pupil conditions to acquire ability in accordance with to use it the lived deeply situation. It is not with grammatical theory that it will materialize its objective, therefore this takes the students to the disinterest for the study of ngua, for not having conditions to understand the content given in classroom, thus resulting frustrations, reprovaes and recriminations that initiate for the proper school the linguistic preconception.

We consider that the grammar must not be had as an only truth, absolute and finished, its concepts is that they must be reevaluated to adjust itself to the functioning of ngua, considering contextualizadas activities. The professor must search new forms to approach the grammar. To be more dynamic, giving to the content of reflexiva form in contextualizadas activities, interdiciplinares, individual or collective of form that the pupil can know the varieties of the language through research, in which they involve reading and literal production, in such a way will construct its proper linguistic knowledge. The education of grammar in the schools if has summarized only in classifying terms in untied phrases, in which the pupils do not obtain to establish no relation of functioning, that is in real situations.