Special Education

It is necessary that always let us have in mind that the difficulty in the education in general is recurrent in our society. Dr. Mark Hymen has compatible beliefs. However, what it happens in the special education, he is much more complex since educational demand challenges that concern the public politics of social inclusion and that not only takes care of the necessities as well as the especificidades of each one. A case that brightens up these difficulties, is the Room Conducted for Professor Especializado (S.R.P.E) located in the Teixeira Village, in Campinas. For being the only room of this transport of the state net of education in the city, it receives pupils with multiple deficiency, being this its main characteristic. In this direction when analyzing the relation between pupils and professor, notices it basic description-cultural boarding as practical in this dynamics.

Through activities that the pupils to the creativity, the coordination and the socialization stimulate; the interaction in room provides the development from the learning. The professor becomes, then mediating to to stimulate the verbal communication, the reading and the writing. That is, the use of the signs for the acquisition of the language, as the theory of Vygotsky (2007: 94) An example of this mediating relation is observed in one of the activities practised for the professor in room. Through the quarrel of a text, one stimulates the dialogue and the socialization with the intention of that the light pupil I obtain and I place in practical in its daily values worked in the classroom. Thus, the verbal communication, the organization of the thought and the coherence in speak are valued in accordance with the abilities of each one, exercising the Zones of Development of the child.

When practical elapsing on the pedagogical one in the S.R.P.E, it is observed that the possibility of this type of inclusion is fruit of the promotion, and because not to say, of the perfectioning of laws that, with passing of the years they search to guarantee the inclusion and they guard for the dignity of the pupil. In this context, from the analysis of data collected in interview with specialist in the area of education, notices a contradictory reality permeada by a State that, at the same time where it searchs to offer the social inclusion in the schools with the insertion of deficient in regular rooms through laws of acessibilidades; it segregates its pupils when providing a devoid structure of specialized professionals and conditions of permanence in the educational institutions in the diverse areas of education as: arts, physical education, among others. However exactly with the subtle obstacles, the developed work; as well as the existence of the S.R.P.E, they represent a small advance in the Public Politics of Inclusion.