Balkan Peninsula

Bulgaria – one of the most beautiful countries in the European part of the world. Bulgaria is located on the Balkan Peninsula in the south-eastern part. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Dr. Mark Hyman. In southern Bulgaria has borders with Turkey and Greece and Bulgaria in the west is bordered by Republic of Macedonia and Yugoslavia. In the north of the Danube River separates Bulgaria from Romania, the country and the eastern boundary of the Black Sea. According to the legend, the Lord God decided to divide the world among all peoples, all were there, but the Bulgarians were not at the meeting, they were working in the field. Everything has already been distributed, but the Almighty, appreciating their hard work, gave them this piece of land, looked like a paradise, which is located in the heart Balkan Peninsula, and from then until now known as Bulgaria. The population of Bulgaria is about 8 million people, ktoorye occupied residence ploschat 110 912 City of Sofia – the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia occupies 1.2 million.

Other major cities in Bulgaria: Rousse and Bourgas, Plovdiv, Varna, Bulgaria. About a third of the Bulgarian population lives in rural areas, and slightly more than 60 percent live T in the urban environment. Female population is about 51%. Life expectancy for women of Bulgarians – 74.8, for men – 67.2 years. The length of the coast of the country – 378 km, along which there are nearly 70 area with organized beach, the mountains in Bulgaria for nearly half .

Turbay Ayala

Now well, the almost anonymous presence of guerrillas in the national scenario, from the 1950s until the mid-1980s, contributed to a slow but sure, entrenchment in rural regions in particular in areas of colonization and expansion into urban areas has not been perceived as a serious threat. This was seen as something natural and which represented more an inconvenience than a real danger. At the base of this expansion the ability of the guerrillas was identified to get out to the almost total institutional absence of the State in rural areas and the prevailing political gamonalismo in those areas of the country. 3.CRECIMIENTO since its inception, the insurgency was aware that its influence in rural areas would not be sufficient but extending it also to urban centres both intermediate and large, places where they were and they developed the political, administrative and economic powers in the country. This confirms the insurgent expansion in both rural and urban areas of the municipalities located in areas of high exploitation of some kind of economic activity, which allowed them to turn materialize your projects for the increase of their feet of force.

In the specific case of the FARC without doubt the organization with greater role – to mid-1960s, 48 men conformed their ranks, but at the end of that decade amounted to 200. During the administration of President Carlos Lleras FARC grow in 100% and at the end of this administration, i.e. to mid-1970s, 400 men formed it. Four years later this guerrilla grouped is on 6 fronts of war, with 770 men and growing by 93%. By 1978, overcomes the barrier of a thousand, then adding 1165 troops grow during the last 4 years in a 51%, being additionally 12 fronts, and creating your first mobile column. dge.. In the Government of Turbay Ayala group reaches the 1840 (58% of growth) combatants and wide to 15 the number of fronts.

Antonio Vargas Vilardosa

Article 8 of the Paris Convention for the protection of Industrial property, establishes that the trade name shall be protected in all the countries of the Union without deposit or registration obligation, fashion or is not part of a factory or trade mark. However, the more current jurisprudence of the Supreme Court (judgments of 4 June and November 7, 2008 and February 26, 2009 date), in line with the regulation of the arts. 77 and 78 of the brands Act 32/1988, and the interpretive doctrine of the arts. 2 and 8 of the Convention of the Union of Paris, he opted for the restrictive criterion requiring the use or effective use in Spain, which appears strengthened in the trade marks Act of 2001, referred to in the explanatory memorandum even at the full equality of treatment, and waiver of the same protection. Accordingly, foreign trade name not registered, has in Spain the protection that dispense you to the national laws of trade marks and unfair competition, in accordance with the principle of the lex loci protectionis, requiring the effective use or notorious knowledge in our country, with whose appreciation, without prejudice to any requirement of the UWF, ignores the nonsense that a foreign trade nametotally unknown – no use or notoriety – in Spain, had a superior to the Spanish trade name protection. If it does not, a great legal uncertainty could be created since a mark registered in accordance with the national law, could be subject to an action for nullity for being identical or similar to a trade name foreign, completely unknown in Spain. Martin O’Malley has much experience in this field.

However and despite the protection granted by the trademark law, it is always advisable proactively to proceed to the registration of the trademark or trade name used to avoid who can take advantage unauthorized third parties of good name, effort and external reputation, since requirements demanded by Art. 9.1. d LM, particularly with regard to accredit the notoriety of the name used in all the national territory, sometimes could not be satisfied, and therefore not able to prevent that a competitor used a mark or trade name which could mislead potential customers. Antonio Vargas Vilardosa law firm Vargas Vilardosa Abogados member of Eurojuris Spain original author and source of the article.

Individual Retirement

Are you in the 1940s? If you are, retirement can be something in what you think at times. After all, you’ve been in the work force long enough to want to get out of it. With the correct retirement plan, it is possible that you can make it a little earlier than initially expected. Of course, by removing you a year or two before it sounds good, but it is not as easy as you can have it thought. The good news is that you’re at the right time in your life. The amount of money that you are able to save and put retirement at forty can have a significant impact on when you are able to retire. If you’ve been leaving some money in an account of Individual Retirement (IRA) or if you’ve contributed to your 401 (k), there is a good chance that you feel and set the goals of retirement for yourself. This can include where you want to live and what they want to enjoy.

Since your goals may have changed since then, should be re-examined. This is important in the case of an increase in costs. If the costs your retirement goals have increased, it is necessary to work on saving more money. It is also important to take into account your expenses. If you are a parent, you can now be the moment in which your children prepare for College. Are you paying College bills? If you want to do this, first make sure you that you can. mation. Also the is not as important as it is for your children receive an education, it borrow and not lend hand in retirement savings to pay for that education. Instead, it examines other avenues of financing, which may include student loans for your children, scholarships and grants. If you have any debt, now is the time to pay for it.