Turbay Ayala

Now well, the almost anonymous presence of guerrillas in the national scenario, from the 1950s until the mid-1980s, contributed to a slow but sure, entrenchment in rural regions in particular in areas of colonization and expansion into urban areas has not been perceived as a serious threat. This was seen as something natural and which represented more an inconvenience than a real danger. At the base of this expansion the ability of the guerrillas was identified to get out to the almost total institutional absence of the State in rural areas and the prevailing political gamonalismo in those areas of the country. 3.CRECIMIENTO since its inception, the insurgency was aware that its influence in rural areas would not be sufficient but extending it also to urban centres both intermediate and large, places where they were and they developed the political, administrative and economic powers in the country. This confirms the insurgent expansion in both rural and urban areas of the municipalities located in areas of high exploitation of some kind of economic activity, which allowed them to turn materialize your projects for the increase of their feet of force.

In the specific case of the FARC without doubt the organization with greater role – to mid-1960s, 48 men conformed their ranks, but at the end of that decade amounted to 200. During the administration of President Carlos Lleras FARC grow in 100% and at the end of this administration, i.e. to mid-1970s, 400 men formed it. Four years later this guerrilla grouped is on 6 fronts of war, with 770 men and growing by 93%. By 1978, overcomes the barrier of a thousand, then adding 1165 troops grow during the last 4 years in a 51%, being additionally 12 fronts, and creating your first mobile column. dge.. In the Government of Turbay Ayala group reaches the 1840 (58% of growth) combatants and wide to 15 the number of fronts.

Industrial Agriculture

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