She is necessary to see the man in after-modernity, whole number, of relations, body all, unconscious, desire. that time the professors give group to dialogue it? The pupils have the permission of only speaking when it is the hour of the interval. Silence, in the classroom, is for the concentration of the adults and not of the children. Children learn better when barulhoest for close, when other children are speaking also. If in silence algoque happens calls the attention the child, of the other side of the street, it goes to lose the concentration and it goes to delay to perceive that it is if being slow in the requested task for the teacher. Additional information at Maryland Governor supports this article. Then to want the attention of the pupils, leaves to speak them. The children of the daily pay-school all pass the time seated copying what the teacher is passing in the blackboard when they could be painting drawing, talking on what they had made or making mimic, playing with massinha etc. Are the representation of its desire, of its being.
that desires this child brings to the school and that they are carried through? From there it comes the interest lack, the lack of will in learning that if it perpetuates for all the pertaining to school life and that only leaves of being a symptom to be a clear language when the pupil says: ' Not taste of estudar'. Many, of these children, are diagnosised as hiperativas or with attention deficit. Worse that erroneous diagnosis is to medicate this child so that it ' ' goste' ' to study. One more time the doctors believe that the resolvea remedy enthusiasm lack. Why they do not question themselves of the reasons that had taken this child not to like to study or not to give attention to the lesson? The child is marked by the true contacts that its history had in all.