Basel II Makes Small Business Problems

Earlier this year, the Basel II rules came into force and the very small businesses have concerns about their credit supply. Since the companies can rarely demonstrate collateral, it is very difficult to get loans when you need them. Companies also fear a rise by their poorer credit quality of their credit terms. Simply stated, the banks, the loan terms are higher, the greater the risk of the loan to lose. To go to the poorer credit ratings and thus higher loan rates out of the way, is the loan to value of life insurance or pensions for such companies certainly an interesting alternative dar. Assuming that such a policy exists, is characterized this way of raising money through a low interest rate minimal information requirements and flexibility. Customers have the option of the policy loans, both the duration of the loan and the amount of the loan amount to determine for themselves, up to about 90 percent of the redemption valuein life and pension and up to about 70 percent in unit-linked life and pension insurance. There are companies, which are to be paid during the term of the loan, neither interest nor amortization, as there is a bullet loans. The replacement of the loan at any time, in payment of the loan amount plus the accrued interest until then. This service does not cause additional costs. Most companies offer a loan to value of life insurance, have also added this to their main business to its catalog. Companies live mainly from the fact that people sell their life insurance and do not terminate at their insurance company.