Britta Kummer

“Welcome home, Amy author Britta Kummer of the youth novel welcome home, Amy” is a sentimental family story and a courage makers book. It tells the story of faith and love for people and horses. Amy shows impressively that you can’t get in strokes of fate must be and must always look ahead. A story (quite apart from the physical illness) that already again leave us all: we are people, whom we trust very disappointed and must then find the strength, again others to open us the message of the book is quite clear that in life especially the love and faith in the good and to itself counts, no matter what was and is. For more information see this site: novelist. And that is something very important in this day and age! Book Description: Since Amy think she lives in the home.

Her mother has been away, because the girl because of a muscle weakness is disability. In the home, Amy from the other children will be teased and harassed. Her only friend is Mixed-breed dog Max, who accompanied them at every step. Will Blodgett Fairstead recognizes the significance of this. But one day it means fate well: Mary, a friend of the head of the home, will bring Amy to themselves on their farm. Mary’s own daughter, who was tied also to a wheelchair after a riding accident has died, and now Amy to take their place in the family. Actually Amy could be happy, now that her dream of a loving family in fulfilment. But a major obstacle in his way is: you can simply not trust! But soon it turns out that she is not the only one on the farm, has lost its faith book data: welcome home, Amy, Publisher: books on demand, hardcover ISBN 978-3-8423-4722-9, paperback ISBN 978-3-8423-4736-6, 11.90 euros, 21.90 euro E-book ISBN: 978-3-8482-7663-9, 9,49 Euro company information: Britta Kummer is the author. She writes cookbooks, children – and youth -, was born in Hagen and now lives in Ennepetal. You will find more information