Claude Vicentino

It is important to detach that in all these volumes this inserted one as foreseen for a law the study of Africa and its society and culture, in as the book in it analyzes we can verify that this reserved a total of sixteen pages to all portray the subject on Africa and its representations. Exactly ahead d approval of the law Africa follows being mutilated for the lack of historiogrfica boarding more including than it can qualifying in them to launch a look for this gap left for the traditional historiografia. The writer Alfredo Boulos in its book History society and citizenship make reference to a small reference the Africans in Brazil and as these had resisted this domination and resistance, is clamorous as the lack of content on the thematic one of Africa is visible in the volumes in analyzes. In he analyzes of the third book written for Claude Vicentino the only citation to the subject in study is when the author makes a reference the allotment of Africa, exactly thus it obtains to place and to argue the subject in only two pages. He is by means of this panorama of our Brazilian historiografia how much to the boarding on Africa and its representations that Oliva (P.

423) writes: …? what we know on Africa? Perhaps the answers suffer some variations, in the density and the substance of content, depending for who or where the question is pronounced. I believe, however, that silence or the souvenirs and images marked for prejudiced esteretipos go to become common point in speak of that if to dare to try to formulate some reply. Therefore we can identify in the words of Oliva that the content lack has made it difficult as many professors as pupils in what it says respect to a more consistent knowledge on Africa and its representations.