
Flickr CC sergis blog image according to reports of the consejala delegate of promotion and tourism of Zaragoza, Elena Allue, the city received more than 1.1 million tourists last year, which is positive for the economy of Zaragoza, since it exceeds the 262 million euros. Do these results you know thanks to the analysis of the economic impact of tourism in Zaragoza in 2010? It is an elaborate study stop Idom to Zaragoza tourism consultant. According to this analysis, may and October were the months with the highest number of tourists, 12% of travelers who came to Zaragoza did so in may, while in October was 10%. November and December were the months with lower amount of tourists. Using other data data that 12% of travelers are known hikers and over 16% staying in the homes of relatives or friends. Of course, Saragoza has cheap hotels, which is the option of accommodation preferred by tourists, already 71% of travellers are staying there.

The percentage of foreign tourists that they visited Zaragoza is 22.7%, this is maintained throughout the year, because the variations are minimal, being may the month of highest percentage. While domestic travelers prefer traveling in Holy week, the bridge of the Constitution and the Fiestas del Pilar. Urban tourism has generated direct revenues of 121.1 million euros and an induced impact of 22.22 million, while tourism of congresses was 75.6 million euros in a direct way and other 45.2 million induced. These statistics have led to a large volume of websites aimed at tourism and booking overturn his gaze towards this city with offers and promotions of all kinds online.