Federal District

In the perspective of the inclusive education, Resolution CNE/CP n1/2002, that it establishes the National Curricular Lines of direction for the Formation of Professors of the Basic Education, defines that the institutions of superior education must foresee in its curricular organization teaching formation come back toward the attention to the diversity and that contemplates knowledge on the especificidades of the pupils with educational necessities special. In 2003, the Ministry of the Education creates the Program Inclusive Education: right to the diversity, aiming at to transform the education systems into inclusive educational systems, that an ample process of formation of managers and educators in the Brazilian cities for the guarantee of the right of access of all promotes to the escolarizao, the organization of the educational attendance specialized and the promotion of the accessibility. In 2004, the Federal Public prosecution service divulges the document the Access of Pupils with Deficiency to the Schools and Common Classrooms of the Regular Net, with the objective to spread the world-wide concepts and lines of direction for the inclusion, being reaffirmed the right and the benefits of the escolarizao of pupils with and without deficiency in the common groups of regular education. In 2005, with the implantation of the Nuclei of Activity of the High Abilities/Superdotao NAAH/S in all the states and the Federal District, are formed centers of reference for the educational attendance specialized to the pupils with high abilities/superendowment, the orientation to the families and the continued formation to the professors. National, orientaes for organization of the politics of inclusive education in this area are spread referenciais and, of form to guarantee this attendance to the pupils of the net education public. The Convention on the Rights of the People with Deficiency, approved for the ONU in 2006, of which Brazil is signatory, establishes that the States Part must assure a system of inclusive education in all the education levels, in environments that maximize compatible the academic and social development with the goal of full inclusion, adopting measured to guarantee that the people with deficiency are not excluded from the educational system.