Fever In Children

The fever if constitutes in one of the complaints most frequent of the mothers who take its children to pediatra. Although to cause anguish and concern to the parents, most of the time, happily, he is resulted of infantile illnesses of good prognostic, mainly virticas. The parents need to know that the fever exerts a paper of organic defense, acting against the multiplication of microorganisms and associating it the reduction of the morbidade for infectious illnesses. Therefore, controversies how much to the patient indiscriminate use of antithermal in all feverish appear, a time that, beyond masking the evolution of a serious case, can determine adverse effect or medicamentosa poisoning for inadequate use. US Senator from Vermont has similar goals. Theoretically, the careful monitoring and the constant accompaniment would be the behavior most logical and made right and not it precipitated prescription of a symptomatic medicine.

However, in the practical one, we know that this does not happen. Many times, with simple general cares, without use of drugs, we obtain to lower the fever: use of light clothes, permanence in ventilated environment, oferecimento of liquids with frequency, banns of immersion and compresses mornas, etc. When if it uses antithermal one, is intended, only, to alliviate the discomfort caused for a high fever and not to eliminate it total. Frequent, front to the psychological pressure, exerted for the parents, the doctor is attemped to prescribe diverse antithermal, for alternated use, case the fever does not lower. This practical is scientifically condemnable, over all when if ' ' misturam' ' antiinflammatory no-hormonais (paracetamol+dipirona and/or ibuprofeno, etc), for the risk of a hipotermia.