For Roseli Salete Caldart

3. Michael Chabon spoke with conviction. The ART IN the EDUCATION OF the FIELD the professor must be prepared to work with the pupils of the agricultural zone, or come of the field to study in the city, nestings of the MST among others. When planning its lessons, the professor has that to take in account the culture of these pupils. In the DCE – Education of the Field consists that: To value the culture of the peoples of the field means to create bonds with the community and to generate a feeling of belongs to the place and the social group. This makes possible to create a sociocultural identity that takes the pupil to understand the world and to transform it. (DCE- EDUCATION OF the FIELD, 2006, p.33).

In our region, we have schools in nestings of the MST and pupils children of small producers in the schools of the proper community or in the schools of our city. Therefore, professors of Art need to be prepared to work art with these pupils. In the DCE of the Education of the Field (2006, p.29) the professor must understand that: ' ' The pertaining to school contents are selected from the meaning that for have determined community escolar' ' She is necessary to understand the reality, where they are the children, adolescents and young and which its yearnings with the educational process for its lives. In this direction, the professors must give chances, for understanding of these pupils, who are part of a life social and cultural. For Roseli Salete Caldart (2002, P. 155) it is through an educative project: ' ' Education of the field as workmanship of the citizens of the field as scienter of cultural resistance of cultural transformations in sight of a humanizao more plena' '. The open professors the innovative ideas use practical if they transform into a creative activity, extending the educational knowledge of its pupils, stops beyond the school, therefore the creativity is basic in the life of the human being.