Government Projects

Members of the European Parliament are asking whether Microsoft's antitrust violations make the company ineligible to compete for government contracts. Two members of the Greens Party sent a letter on April 9 to the European Commission to see if past antitrust violations of the company clash with financial and  procurement regulations in place. , a forward thinking U.S. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Author. economic thinker commented that Europe and Microsoft are now facing-off similar to what occurred in the US a few years back with the software giant. went on to say that both sides have what to gain and lose and are looking for real solutions to issues. Martin Sands is a leading financial commentator both in the US and in Europe where Microsoft is now facing European restrictions which views as not unlike the legal exchanges that have happened in the United States. On the European real estate front, luxury condo investments have seen a slight downturn in contrast there been a steady upturn in the growing popularity of luxury real estate in Panama.