
The city was founded in 212 by the Alans, a tribe north-Iranian language group. But even in ancient times, around here there was a Hellenic colony Afineon. Like all the coast, the city went from Rome to Byzantium, periodically testing raids of the nomads. Repeatedly changed the name: Sidagios, Soldayya, Surozh (in Russian chronicles), Sugdeyya. Last name is connected with a powerful trade union Sogdiana which arose in the Middle Ages in Central Asia from educated Hellenized cities.

The powerful flow of goods from China to circulate in England, and in this way Sugdeyya was an important junction, especially for the Russian principalities. According to Orthodox tradition here at the end of IX century by Stephen St. Sourozh, converted to Christianity with the Prince of Novgorod Bravlin entourage. In the XI century the city became the main port Polovtsian (Kipchaks), who owned vast expanses of the steppes of Siberia to Hungary. Since XIII century, their relationship with the Mediterranean and Europe take on the merchant republics of Venice and Genoa. Sudak for 150 years became the center of the Venetian possessions, but close – in Feodosia quickly strengthened the Genoese. In 1365 they achieved from Golden Horde exclusive rights to all the coast of the Crimea, they were soon captured and rebuilt Soldayyu fortress (the first buildings which date back to the Byzantines).

In 1475 the castle was stormed landing, landed with Turkish squadron. Holes of powerful guns are still gaping in the walls of the fortress. The city, however, remains the main center of wine trade with the export volume of about 170 000 buckets (12.4l) per year. And with the transition in 1783 to Russia here mass rushes professionals, adventurers and rogues just from wine, which bought the local wine and sold under the guise of French champagne. In the 1804-1809 academic years Pallas led them to set up a State-owned Sudak school of viticulture and winemaking, built a house here with a vineyard and wine cellar, that he first described the 40 local grape varieties, sought the secrets of champagne. Academician HH Steven, the founder of Nikita Botanical Gardens from 1807 until the end of his days working for a long time in Sudak. Was a frequent visitor at his dacha in Sudak marine painter IK Aivazovsky. "Sudak motives' are not left without inspiration and composers. This AK Glazunov, A. Spendiarov. Over the years, came to Pike, Anna Akhmatova, Andrei Bely, Paustovsky, Alexander Green, Vincent Veresaev, Konstantin Friction, Vsevolod Vishnevsky. In 1927, visited Mikhail Bulgakov. The history of Sudak in has recently can be found in the City Museum, it opened in the tourist complex "Sudak" in the former villa of the Funk. But perhaps the best known international festivals Sudak brought KVN, which take place in this complex.