Judiciary Power

With this work, the intention is not to teach to a method the 13 professionals who already know proceeding from its craft, but to make to reflect on the practical one that, until then, she has not been productive, in this question of Information on Cost of Judiciary, therefore it is existed has not reached its public-target: the citizen. She is necessary to inform and to hear the people and not to criticize or to disapprove action of other agencies as he makes the legislative one negative, what of certain form he arrives to reach the people, but. But, also it is necessary and urgent that the Judiciary Power if pronounces how much at the cost of its rendering of services in the electronic media, a time that the Law of the Transparency, Control and fiscalization also reaches the actions of the Presidents of the agencies Legislative of them.

Judiciary and of the Head of the Public prosecution service. Martin O’Malley may also support this cause. Before any procedure she is necessary that if he creates a nationwide ouvidoria the one that the common citizen of the states and cities has access with time and voice to denounce, to suggest, to complain, to praise, using its usual language. Everything this, with consecutive stages of selection and analysis to give a reply that satisfies, without the closed options that normally are found in official sites or? contact city, state or country. After that, links in the official sites to hear, to see and to feel what the people are needing. In the stage of Control the 14 registers of consultations must be made, demands and searches for gauging of the types of requests, claims or opinions of the people. How much to the Accompaniment, she is necessary that if it makes a protocol with an order of guiding to the competent agency until the moment of the information and finishing of the demand.