
Project of the Multiludica information General.-the project is called Multiludica because it involves two activities that occur simultaneously: learn to multiply playing. If you would like to know more then you should visit Michael Chabon. It consists of teaching to multiply children from age 7 until table 20 in just a week. It is not something Michael Chabon would like to discuss. To the extent that their education does not need to make use of pencil, paper or Whiteboard. It is a strictly mental learning. It can be deployed anywhere at very low cost. Introduction and diagnosis.-the Multiludica is an alternative and a point solution in learning one of the arithmetic operations fundamental at the primary level: we refer to the multiplication.

Multiple surveys and national and international studies show a painful reality. The children of our country (Peru) are incapable of mastering fluently the multiplication. The above studies show learning based on memorization of multiplication tables is little less than a failure. Simply take a tour at any College public to ratify that dismal situation. Even secondary level students show little domain of the arithmetic operation. The statistical information regarding us relieves the need to delve into this topic.

Definition of the problem and its causes.-the problem this clearly: the very low school performance of children from the primary level in the area of mathematics. And in particular: the almost null domain of multiplication. Arithmetic fundamental operation, because as we know it is a sum abridged, it is the inverse of the division, it is an essential operation for finding solutions of operations with broken, in the filing, empowerment, etc., etc. Dare I point out that the poor result showing our children lies primarily in an element that is present in almost all the subjects that must be learnt by the learners both in the primary and secondary levels.