Seller Subscribers

Also occurs with online sales processes, your subscribers will want to meet you before you buy. For more information see this site: Chick Corea. Sale by intendant processes are very different to the off-line sales processes. Many people make the mistake of believing that the process of sales online/offline is exactly the same, with the difference that the seller is replaced by the sales letter. That is not the case! Online sales are a process in which the people you buy once you know and have become friends; not before. How to know and let you know your customers, is precisely rendering a service to them. But how you can attend to customers or thousands of visitors who come to your pages? Through an automated system to send emails which call auto-respondedor another reason why it is so important that you build a list is that you can expand your business with other products.

The process of targeting a niche is to find a need that many people have and create a product that solves them or find one product of another that solves this is what we call business income by affiliation. Let’s look at an example: imagine that you have an electronic newsletter of urbanism of quality, and that has 25000 people registered to it. You have recently read a very interesting book of urbanism, that do not It has only helped you to you personally, but that you think that you can help your subscribers. Then send them an email recommending the reading of that book. If that book pays him 40 in commissions and only 2% of your list is interested in it, you will earn 20000. When you have a list and offer products of the highest possible quality to your subscribers, you will earn big money while you help many people in the process. Why once discovered your niche construction on your list should be the main focus of your business. In this whole process you need is: 1.

A page of registration 2. An ethical bribe that will really help your subscribers educating them, inspiring them and motivating them. 3. An autoresponder.