Social Media

More and more they are catching the QR (Quick Response or quick response) codes those pixelated pictures and inexplicable that we see in advertising and social media campaigns, which they enhance brands and give easy access to relevant content to all those users who have a smartphone and deciphering these codes with applications like Optiscan or i-Nigma. We can see from a web address and telephone to any information which we want that our consumers have access and, ultimately, viralicen number, videos with QR codes. QR codes are being used by many companies in their marketing campaigns. We can see them in print ads in magazines and even on billboards, in jeans campaign Get It Uncensored Calvin Klein, which once decryption code you could see a video of the brand. In this case the QR functioned as access key to advertising that on some occasions, their erotic charge, have generated controversy in the conservative society American. The potential of the QR in social media is still in exploration but we can say, without a doubt, that they have become a super useful tool to generate traffic both on the web and in any social network where our brand is present, thus facilitating interaction with our customers and users. In addition, and let’s be honest, all are curious and we like the intrigue, so who does that better tool than a QR code? to meet that natural curiosity. Importantly, unveiled once the message is to the liking of the curious and good impact rather than frustration..