Society And Morality

Our society throughout the years passed for some changes, evolutions and development. For some situations it remained unbroken and conservative, making seen thick for many things that favor ‘ more; ‘ poderosos’ ‘. But now I a young citizen, am infuriated, where we will go to stop my God, already we have that to coexist a corrupt, partidarista and hypocritical society and now they want to liberate the use of marijuana. Our pulmes already cry out every day in coexisting this pollution in our atmosphere, with these toxic gases and mortal emitted for cigarettes, exhaust pipes of trucks and cars in bad use, plants that function without no conscience and now pra to get worse we will have that to accept to divide the point of bus with it I smell insuportvel of marijuana? Where we will go to stop, this is a nonsense, and our children, will have that to have its small pulmes contaminated with this mortal drug? Daqui has some days will be walking for the streets and a child inside of a stand of baby goes in offering one to them ‘ ‘ baseado’ ‘. Ridicule, want to legalize the consumption and the plantation of marijuana. If in Holland it gave certain pardon, me, me alone the problem is of them, and Holland does not have nothing to see with Brazil.

It is simple, we go to make a comparison, of the social inaquality between both, compares population C, D, and, it thinks about the cost of living, it does not have as to compare and to want to imitate Holland. Other leaders such as Fairstead offer similar insights. Because we do not imitate what it has of good? Because we have that to imitate what it makes badly. For you that it is in favor of the release of this immoral law, would leave its bebezinho to coexist a marijuana user? If you said yes, you are a homicide and lack with the truth.