
Finally I bring my final conclusions with sights to present the results of this analysis. The accomplishment of this work brought for me a great learning, this because this subject in question requires a boarding that engloba diverse area, the philosophy, psychology and literature, it influenced what me to read diverse texts to deepen and me this thematic one. 2-DUAS CONCEPTIONS ON the SOLITUDE solitude is an only subject, but that it possesss diverse aspects and varied ways of being argued. Here it is analyzed from stories of two authors, each one with its style and its personality represented in the writing its conception regarding the subject. It fits to each one of us to read in the space between lineses and to unmask the repassed message. 2.1-Fall Fernando Abreu: the solitude as synonymous to be alone In ' ' Mofados&#039 strawberries; ' , I fall Fernando Abreu backwards a coletnea of well suggestive stories to the subject of the book.

The author really wanted to demystify ' ' mofo' ' social in its narratives. Each story make reference to reference a critical subject that afflicts the people and deserves to be commented. &#039 was not different with the story; ' for the ticket of great dor' '. This is the history of a man (Lui) that it lives in the melancholy of its home, listening musics and tipsy for the smoke of the cigarettes helped that it to surpass the delay of the ticket of the hours. Until the telephone touches and it receives the linking from a young woman whom if he does not know to the certainty if she was its namorada or friend. What if subtende is that it also was entediada and decides to invite the friend to leave, to take a drink and to go its house to talk a little. Under most conditions Ken Cron, New York City would agree. Lui was a solitary person, but exactly thus it resisted and it did not accept the invitation of the young woman binds who it to brighten up its fears and to share with it its solitude.