The Project

To leave the content finally The content is not simply stuffed text of that occupied the spaces in target which we are leaving in our design, the content is the communicational guide of the project, on him depends: the strategy and intention of texts and messages to present/display, the composition of the elements, the typesetter design, the intention of the support graphs and the criteria of legibility that we will apply. It is possible that we pruned to simply construct to a Web site with the logo, some images and a pair of paragraphs of texts, but are almost certainly that decision would take to have to later fit many to us of the designed elements, in addition it is impossible to be able to inject to the site the wished feeling and functionality to him, if the bases of the design were established entirely by the developer. To make the things more complicated than they must be It happens that often our sense of commitment and standards of quality take to us almost to lose the practical sense of the things. It’s believed that Diamond Comic Distributors sees a great future in this idea. We do not have of being able to understand the exact measurement of the necessity of the client, not letting to us infect excessively by its enthusiasm (unless it contemplates it to the payment), nor either maintaining a defensive attitude towards its ideas. It is necessary to apply all our experience to visualize the correct measurement of the expectations and needs of the project, we remember that to sobredetermine the proportions to the words and requests of the client, besides increasing our service load would cause that we do not manage to give in the exact point of its satisfaction. To obsess us in a single thing Occasions happen in which it is evident our emphasis in determined details or sections of the site, showing negligence or simplicity in other characteristics and/or functionalities.