Courses In Foreign Languages.

Knowledge of foreign languages is very important in our time. If you speak any foreign language, then you have lots of advantages when applying for a job methods for studying foreign languages, mass. This is an audio and video tutorials printed materials (tutorials, textbooks), remote or distance learning a language (when you are sent home study material and assignments, and you send a check to make the lesson), interactive lessons, lessons with a teacher (In group or individually), and many other options. Let us dwell on language courses, ie lessons directly with the teacher (in a group or individually). Consider the number of points that you should pay attention when choosing courses to study a foreign language. Than usual, we are interested in choosing courses? This is the cost of training, its duration, time of employment and the date of commencement and completion of the course, location, agency, and maybe you ask whether the teacher a native speaker or not. This is of course important in terms of saving time and money, but there are more important issues that we discuss next. First of all, when choosing language courses, you must be 100% sure as the proposed services to you.

There are many companies, training in which leaves much to be desired. Define a series of questions to ask in order to protect themselves from poor service, save time and money. It should be noted that if the questions you raise regarding the courses you are unable to answer clearly and unambiguously, evaded the question or suggest to you to discuss other matters concerning payment or temporary employment or something else, then most likely you've come to the wrong address.

The Children

This education of the freedom to the thought and so that I can have freedom to think, I have that to have freedom to create. This is optimum work that Eurpedes left in relation to the art. ON the EVALUATION It is a continuous evaluation, where the pupil is observed daily and with registers, where the comments are resources to take care of the necessities of the children. We go observing the reactions of the pupil and we are made the registers, of assemblies of fiches and reports, in some areas, will be the preschool one, work very with the psicomotora area, the affective area, go to depend on the programming that will be being given for the pupil. Today we have one monthly and bimonthly written evaluation, because we are with a partnership with the city hall.

As the city hall asks for note, then people have an evaluation pra to return to the system the result, but in the truth, for us, the results are not express in notes, but in the accompaniment who the professor makes during the lesson, for example, to create a production of text on of a content that was presented. All the information that the children need geography, history, sciences, if could be created by them, as for example, of the street, quarter, city, that is inserted in the content of it, that is created by it, that is made a collective text with the participation of each pupil. The professor is very common to use the best texts made by other series in the evaluation of its room. The school does not adopt books, for example, to study Brazil the children has that to search readings informative research, on of this that if constructs the texts of the content that it needs to be seen. Here we work qualitative evaluation, enclosing the emotional part, the part of the feeling, what the child really produces.