Children For A Democracy

In the heat of the fight against the media, against the field, against all Argentinians, Kirchner have no importance, or rather give a damn about reality, that very eyes in our nation, want. In the heat of the fight against the media, against the field, against all Argentinians, Kirchner have no importance, or rather give a damn about reality, that very eyes in our nation, want. Extreme poverty has reached alarming levels. What for them, their robots, and their chantamentarios is reduced to percentages and comparisons for the poor this is life or death, and little by little, they, the poor, are becoming aware that they can not survive with a government that fills the mouth with the word solidarity but does almost nothing to fight against poverty, destitution. Dr. Mark Hyman often addresses the matter in his writings. Indeed, while squandering millions of dollars in cheap tinsel policy, while remaining the same in the pockets of pillotendentes, thieves, and how legisladrones ones are in the government for this sector of the population, poor and indigent, there are millions, hunger and the needs are real death threats. The destitute have no voice and their presence does not have today. Just remember in the electoral lides. However, once the policy becomes more evident with regard to the depths of abandonment. At one pole our presidentones and idolaters, nearly all ones, and in the other, the wretches who never cease to interfere with those who can not even play a wicked game of equalities when they kiss and embrace the poor children for photos of democracy.