Technical Director

“WINAICO modules outperform their competitors under winter conditions Sydney/Creglingen, 10.07.2013 Colin Dedman, the Technical Director of the Atomic & molecular physical laboratory” at the Australian National University has released the results of its solar module testing in the July-September 2013 Edition of the Australian magazine ReNew. In this test, tested the modules under real conditions of winter and the results compared with the power indicated on the nameplate. WINAICO poly-crystalline modules have reached not only the first place at the tested modules and allowed competitors such as LightWay, Trina and Panasonic behind, but set a new record in winter conditions with a score of 108.8%. This impressive result is renewed proof of the power of the WINAICO modules, because each customer gets more power than he actually paid. Hear from experts in the field like novelist for a more varied view. In addition, Colin Dedman has measured the energy density of each module. The energy density is a measure of the real energy yield based on the module surface. This is particularly important Information for the installation of solar systems on small roofs. WINAICO reached the highest energy density under all tested Poly-crystalline modules with an above-average profit of 105.4%. More info: novelist. The quality and efficiency of the WINAICO provides installers, which would reduce the cost of their installation and their customers want to sell a high-performance engine, real added value modules.

Johns Hopkins University

Coffee in moderation causes a positive improvement in Berlin, 16.01.2014 sp: coffee drinkers have now reason to rejoice. Because a recent study by the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore has shown that coffee is not only a pick, but also ensures that the memory capacity of the variants will be improved. The research group around Michael Yassa has hired an investigation, in which the Inn er renewable tested images after taking 200 milligrams of caffeine and a placebo group. In both groups, you could represent differences in the Inn er renewable images after 24 hours. Has been tested, whether old images are detected, similar images can be marked and if completely strange pictures can be differentiated. Old and new images could be seen well by both groups in the same way, but there were differences in the recognition of similar images of that have been referred to here as bait. The group that took caffeine far better cut in recognition of images. A difficult point of the study was but the third-variable control, contrary to, for example, an increased alertness or better attention and better physical condition is not good to control the next day.

It is however assumed that caffeine speeds up this process of consolidation and increase retention through increased attention. So get the information at least for a short time in the long-term memory. Here, the information for the penetration into the long-term memory must first overcome ultra short-term memory and short-term memory with their barriers. Certain filters ensure that information that is not relevant, are sorted out more quickly. The mechanism of the better memory capacity is still on the track, has but still not specifically can clarify this. It was also found that the increase of 200 to 300 milligrams of caffeine put still no additional effect. Due to the congestion of the synaptic column and the occupation of the receptors, the effect of coffee could then even again subside. Probably no longer enough messengers are available, which are immediately available.

A small cup of coffee contains about 80 to 120 milligrams of caffeine and acts differently depending on the person. Not every person absorbs caffeine in same manner. Other scientists and coaches always deal with the topic of coffee. Balance and motivation coaching is a psychological counseling with orientation to the practitioner examination. General works the coaching with a psychodynamic approach that focused on inner balance, inner stability and motivation. The aspect of motivation is an incentive which leads to professional success even better especially for employees and self-employed persons. Stefanie Polzl itself says: coffee is not unhealthy. In moderation, coffee can even total show a positive effect. However, caffeine sickens when it attacks the nerves. An excessive consumption can cause that the nerves are blank and you feel yourself hibbelig and very nervous. However, helps turn greasy food, which caffeine is better tolerated”. For a cup of coffee in the afternoon and a piece of cake something so is not to be. Also in the morning, coffee is a good pick. Coffee on an empty stomach but not a positive effect, but can damage the nerves. The consumer should know so borders. It means that people with schizophrenic tendency should avoid caffeine, cocoa and similar stimulants. The strong effect on neurotransmitters can be sometimes a very negative effect.

How can you use mobile services at major events, to provide added value to both visitors and forces? In many metropolitan areas, major events take place increasingly where enormous traffic must be dealt with. Thanks to the increasing spread of Internet-enabled smartphones, mobile services in the organisation of events, as well as in the field of emergency management can make a valuable contribution. How this works in practice, scientists and assistants in order to have the Cologne lights 2010 around the Cologne Hauptbahnhof together with selected visitors tested. The focus was doing the usability and the benefit of new mobile services, which the Institute for human factors and technology management IAT of University of Stuttgart, which closely cooperates with the Fraunhofer IAO, specially designed for use at major events. Mobile devices enable the exchange of photos and short messages, messages by Organizer and Carriers, easy finding friends, as well as the orientation in the event area. With same functionality, emergency messages by the participants as well as warnings and advice also would be possible in public institutions “, explains the head of the field tests, Dr. Heiko Ross nail by the IAT.

The highlight of the concept lies in the narrow technical and organisational teeth of value-added services for event participants with the safety activities of forces. Only if this in the event everyday involved, all involved are can operate intuitively also in case of emergency. This approach was Verkehrs-Betriebe, the Cologne Fire Department, station management, the Federal Police, the police headquarters in Cologne, of the Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Sieg and the organiser of the Kolner Lichter discussed the Cologne advance with representatives of the city administration of Cologne. This option was discussed among others, to receive location-based emergency messages with images directly in the control centres. In the next step the concept will be expanded to secure chat rooms for special groups of forces. Mobile services are the central result of the IAT in the joint research project”versed” (security in the public passenger transport (oPNV) at major events), which is funded until mid-2011 by the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) ( More information under: business /… Tobias Hug, Fraunhofer IAO