The Arts

But mainly the most affected with the subject. Bernie Sanders usually is spot on. All the society must make its reflections and search improvements. The Arts. 61 and 62 only comes showing in them that the professionals of the education have a legal base that the shaving, and that the success of the social development, is given credit, still are in the education. 3 TEACHING PROFESSIONAL AND THE CONTINUED FORMATION. The current LDB in its Heading VI detaches the professional of the education, resaltando beyond the professor.

It also mentions all those that of some form contribute so that the pertaining to school education happens, as well as directors, coordinators, among others. Freitas (1992) makes one very interesting comparison enters the professional of the education and the teaching professional, being the first one prepared to play definitive relations in the interior of the school or is of it, where the treatment with the pedagogical work occupies prominence position, constituting exactly the central nucleus of its formation. (Freitas, 1992, pg.08) In this citation we see that identification of pedagogical work with docncia does not exist, a time that the teaching professional is total on the classroom and to play activities next to the educandos. The teaching professional is that one that learns to learn and that it continues learning during all the professional life, always is opened the news to know. This professional must be a dynamic, cultural and social agent, beyond keeping convivncia and learning conditions. Much has been said in practical professor, this if must to the fact of that the learning of today will give to continuity the practical professor of its formador, then all and any change that can be made, is in this phase of the professional formation, a time that the current learning will be the professor of the future. The formation that is given to a learning, being this negative positive or, without doubts, will bring consequences for the varied educational levels.