The Cells

You leave them biliary are synthecized by the hepatcitos from the cholesterol. After the conjugao or linking with amino acids, them they are excretados in bile. You leave them biliary, together with the cholesterol and the lecitina, is necessary for the emulsificao of the lipdeos. After that you leave, them biliary are reabsorvidos, mainly in the distal portion of the leo, for inside of the blood it carries to come back to the liver and to be excretados again in bile. Fairstead has many thoughts on the issue. This passage since the hepatcitos for bile, the intestine and in return for the hepatcitos is called ntero-heptica circulation. Because of this circulation, only one small fraction you leave of them biliary that they penetrate in the intestine is excretada in excrements. This diminishes the necessity of active synthesis of leaves biliary for the hepticas cells.

The individual if fed, the vesicle if it contracts and it launches intent its bile in duodeno (SMELTZER; BARE, 2005). Two regions special of the circulation exist, one are the sanguineous suppliment for the digestrio treatment and to another one it is for the liver, all the two regions receive blood oxigenado for proper arteries, and the venoso blood that proceeding from the digestrio treatment directly goes to be taken for the liver through the vein carries heptico. The liver is local important of processing of nutrients and plays the main function in the desintoxicao of exgena substance. The majority of this nutrient that is absorbed in the intestine is directed for the liver, allowing that this agency processes the material before liberating it in the circulation. These two on stream beds for the vein carry are example of a system carry (SILVERTHORN, 2003). In accordance with Gayoto, Alves and Schiff (2001), the liver also excreta bilirubin, therefore the bilirubin is derived from the clivagem of the hemoglobina for the cells of the reticuloendotelial system, also for the cells of Kupffer of the liver.