The Child

However, the use of ict for employment with gifted children should be approached only with caution, there These children have very unique, as a rule, very vulnerable, mentally, and not all of them, along with high level of intellectual development, there is a high level of psychomotor and communication skills. Moreover, the existing defects in the child's communication, not only will not be overcome, and in contrast, may get worse. Gifted children are 'at risk' and in relation to harmful information, as the 'Internet addiction', 'computer gaming addiction', etc. At the same time, a reasonable and science-based approach to education and development of gifted children using the Internet, you can focus on the following priorities, which are easily viewed in the analysis of existing Currently online resources for gifted children, parents and teachers who work with them: using the Internet to disseminate information about the specifics of teaching gifted children, methodology, psychology, etc.; output for different target groups of interested readers, the creation of online communities of Internet users engaged in talent, search for and identification of gifted children, online testing, psychological and Methodological consulting assistance to families in which gifted children receive education at home, tele-education of gifted children, conducting various courses, individual classes, electives, research projects and programs; remote individual (mentoring) support for gifted students, etc. 3.Primenenie results of joint cooperation at this stage is evaluation of the activity of the student and teacher. Objective assessment of the level of student achievement is intended for:-getting objective information about the results achieved by students learning activities and their degree of compliance with educational standards, identifying positive and negative trends in the work of the teacher;-establish the reasons for increasing or decreasing the level of student achievement to subsequent correction of the educational process.