The Children

It sees that these ciscunstncias Providenciais had been recognized for the proper involved personages: – Jose said its brothers: ' ' Now, therefore, not you sadden yourselves, nor you annoy yourselves against you yourselves having for me vendido for here; because, for conservation of the life it ahead sent me to God of vs' ' Gen.45: 5 – After running away from Egypt, God said the Moiss, comes back ' ' he comes, now, and I will send you the Fara, so that you take off My people, the children of Israel, of the Egito' '. Ex.3: 10 – Mordecai said Ester: ' ' and who knows if for a moment as this is that you were raised the queen? ' ' Ester 4:14 Perceives the similarity? Then it answers: He was plain of God who the adolescent Jose was played in that ftido well to die of hunger or cold? He was plain of God who the Moiss baby was placed inside of a fragile hamper and deposited in a river, with the risk to die drowned or devorado for some crocodile of the Nile? He was plain of God who a fragile child as Ester was pulled out of the parents and led captive for an unknown place, living in the way of a strange people? Then: Jose, taken off of a well, was placed in the palace of Fara to place the house of Israel in Egypt, so that he did not perish for the hunger; Moiss, taken off of waters, was placed in palace of Fara to take off the people of Israel of Egypt, so that it did not perish for the slavery; Ester, a poor taken off child of the parents, was placed in the palace of Assuero as queen to hinder the extinguishing it Jewish people, after a left-hand side decree of death. To read more click here: Michael Chabon . . .