Trindade Saint

It is searching to prevent the growth of the wheat through another plant, the joio, which is very next to the wheat in appearance. In a phrase: by means of the fake it is searching to neutralize the Workmanship of Christ. Therefore, as Christ has a Evangelho, the Satan also has one evangelho; being this a sly fake of the first one. Evangelho of the Satan if seems with that so next it imitates,> that multitudes of not safe are deceived by it. It observes below as the Satan are imitating of God. God has its unignito Son – Mr. Jesus? Such the which Satan has ‘ ‘ the son of perdio’ ‘ (II Tessalonicenses 2:3). It has a Trindade Saint? It equally has a trindade of the evil (Apocalypse 20:10).

We read on ‘ ‘ children of Deus’ ‘? In a similar way we read also on ‘ ‘ the children of maligno’ ‘ (Mateus 13:38). God operates in whom they had been cited in order to determine and to make Its will? Then we are informed that the Satan are ‘ ‘ the spirit that now operates in the children of desobedincia’ ‘ (Efsios 2:2). It has ‘ ‘ mystery of piedade’ ‘ (I Timteo 3:16)? It also has ‘ ‘ mystery of injustia’ ‘ (II Tessalonicenses 2:7). We learn that God through Its angels ‘ ‘ assinala’ ‘ its servants in its foreheads (Apocalypse 7:3)? Thus also we learn that the Satan through its agents designate in the foreheads its worshippers (Apocalypse 13:16). Us ‘ is said that; ‘ the Spirit penetrates all the things, still the deepenings of Deus’ ‘ (I Corntios 2:10)? Then the Satan also to provide its ‘ ‘ things profundas’ ‘ (Greek of Apocalypse 2:24). Christ makes miracles?