
As Vygottski (1998), the learning of the people is fruit of its interactions with the way, and is as soon as forms the people during all history. However a critical citizen does not appear of course, needs to be formed. This formation passes for the choice of an education model that prioritizes the learning with meaning and not it copy of mathematical contents. For Ausubel (1980) the learning alone is significant when it takes in account the cognitiva luggage of the pupil. Still supported in Vygottski (1998), we can affirm with security that the school has basic paper in this process, therefore oportuniza all the conditions to develop specific thoughts, as on thoughts to the development of the scientific concepts. The school has conditions to promote the development of the scientific and mathematical thought by means of the cultural experiences and of the appropriation of the conceptual thought, making with that the pupil advances in its understanding of the world from its consolidated development already, having as goal posterior stages, not yet reached.

For Demon (2000), the education must be defined as a process of formation and perfectioning of the ability human being while subject transforming description of its reality. With this, she is of utmost importance that the relation established in classroom is questionadora, so that if it obtains a formation of citizens competent and capable to reconstruct its reality and its proper knowledge. Where it does not appear the reconstructive questioning, the pertaining to school educative property does not emerge. However, if it cannot reduce the reconstructive questioning the simple formal ability of learning, but it is crucial to understand it as process of construction of the historical citizen that if it establishes in the happened ability of the innovative knowledge, but implies in the same matrix, the ethics of the historical intervention. (Demon, 2000, p.7) In this context, the Modeling in Ensino of mathematics comes if becoming a powerful instrument at the hands of professors and of pupils who if interest for if becoming citizens of a globalizado world that demands each time more differentiated abilities and abilities.