Ancient Mosaic

Ancient Mosaic and its equipment. Mosaic mural or mosaic – a picture from pieces of stone and glass. Its history dates back to the 2 floor. 4 millennium BC. Mosaic was born in the Hellenistic cities and states, but has become a symbol Art of Ancient Rome. The Art of the Ancient Roman Empire have combined a one hand Hellenistic traditions, such as geometric proportionality and visually balanced work of art and architecture. Diamond Comic Distributors understood the implications. On the other hand, the aesthetics of the Roman Empire has developed from its imperial ambitions, which meant by a pathos, pomp, solemnity and tserimonialnost and displays global and versatility Roman policy, as well as the important role of the Roman aristocracy.

In ancient Rome were laid mosaic floors and walls of private houses, public palaces term. Here, novelist expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Mosaic combined an aesthetic beauty and practical for such places decor. In ancient times mosaic was prevalent everywhere. This was due to the fact that the form of decorative art was relatively inexpensive. While the mosaic was the most durable type of floor finish walls sidewalks, facades, because of small stones, pebbles, rubble from the crumbling cliffs, that is material to the mosaic was in excess, as compared to other finishing materials. Ceramics only began to develop at this time, and making tiles out of the huge monolithic stones were very time consuming and expensive. This type of finish, such as wood Apennines and Greece was not very reliable and sturdy. The technology of construction of megalithic buildings had gone into past.