Black Sea

The exile caused it a deep disgust (registered in its Tristia) until the end of its life. He was at this time that Ovdio wrote its more famous workmanship: Metamorphoses (Metamorphoses), writing in hexmetro dactlico, metric common to Epic poems of Homero and Virglio. If you would like to know more about Michael Chabon, then click here. Ovdio influenced with its verses, the revitalizao of the buclica and mitolgica poetry of the Renaissance and also authors as Dante, Milton and Shakespeare. Metamorphoses are one of the considered workmanships most famous and as magnum I opposed of the Latin poet Ovdio (p.3, 4,5). The narrative poem was become public for return of year 8 (p.6), to the side of Fastos, is perhaps about one of its inconclusos poems (p.7) on account of the exile who suffered in the Euxino Point, Coast of the Black Sea, distant region of Rome.

(p.8, 9). The cause of the exile is unknown, (p.9) but exists two hypotheses: or Augustus has not liked it scope its workmanship since the Art To love and the Metamorphoses of Ovdio, in contrast of the thought of order and stability of the Emperor, shows a world in constant mutation, (p.10), or the Roman poet was indiscreet regarding some close aspect of the sovereign or its family. (p.11). The life politics of Rome and the absolute government of the August Emperor only interested the ones that inhaled to the career politics and that the viruses of submitted it to the politics to the whims of the Emperor. These were not the ambition of Ovdio, great apreciador of the conviviality with the poets, who were at this time, numerous in Rome. The poet of the most respected FASTI of Rome, after the death of Horcio in 8 d.C, met at this time, the golden phase of all its poetical passage. The poet of the Metamorphoses libri XV met in the island of the Elba with the Maximum friend Quota, son of Messala Corvino, when he received the notice from that he ordered August it to return Rome.