Children And Cooperation

This is a lapse that we obtain to identify in the book, however it in the ones backwards some possibilities to work the difference and the construction of the mixtures of the race. One another book that we will go to analyze here is the braids of Bintou, published for the Publishing company Cosac Naif, that had its first edition in 2004, formatted in 32 colorful ones and illustrated pages, classified as book of youthful literature infanto-, written for Sylviane. the Diouf, that lived in France, Senegal, Gabon, Italy and United States, having the same one worked as journalist and as writer in all its adult life. While it wrote academic articles books for adults, Diouf also was worried about excellent history for the young readers. To promote this goal, it has written some headings on history of Africa and Dispora the braids of Bintou is an illustrated book that was seleccionado by the Children Cooperative s Book Center as one of best books and in 2002 also it was published in Brazil and France, where was voted Better book of 2003 (3-6 years), for Mommies comit of the cultures or customs of one of the villages of the African peoples, through its hair, or better of its you birotate, as the proper heading of the book sends braids of Bintou. In the book history if initiates of the desire of the children to have birotates (small mechas of hair that rolled if they transform into small rolinhos of hair) in possessing braids; in its trajectory to obtain braids they in disclose traces to them of African culture. Sylviane Diouf we say with its proper words on the workmanships and the reason of if involving and writing on the black Africa and its histories: Inside of seven years, I published two academic books, five books for children, a fiction for children, and co-edited a commercial book.