Childrens Shelters

I water, Lima and Amazon share this same idea and emphasizes the lack of individuality lived deeply for institutionalized children. this is partially true since upon arrival to the shelter, it is common to have that to get rid of the childs belongings and personal objects, in virtue of the collective living. Moreover, for an institution of shelter to function of organized form and with adequate routine is necessary to stimulate the passivity of the children. Any contrary movement the culture of the institution can cause its desaturated, therefore when the differences are exaltation and subject assumption, therefore impeded it to participate of the proper life is to treat it as object, thing, submitted solely to the power of the adult (Orionte subject one subjected (Vectore Oak, 2008, p 447). However, some children do not accept of passive form this condition excludes that them and they ignore them e, in contra-position, search to become visible through the trespass (escapes, fight, claims). What it is perceived is that the children feel themselves forsaken, representation that if detaches for the desire to have a family, the point to create an imaginary father or a mother (Orionte Souza, 2005, p 44). John Mclaughlin oftentimes addresses this issue. In function of the favorable situations of maternal to that they had been submitted, the sheltered ones, many times, create defense mechanisms to give to account of its feelings of abandonment and desproteo, developing, even though, antisocial behaviors, that are inherent to the situation of privation lived for them. Rotondaro (2002) perceives a fear of entailing on the part of the sheltered ones,> that observed to have low auto-esteem due to the familiar abandonment and delays to become involved in the therapy demonstrates to qualities and enough social abilities for, future, if to insert in ampler a social context (Martins Jacquemin (1999) understands that the corporal image is deterrent of the type of experience of social life of the child. The experiences lived deeply for the child to the life are of its home have significant interference in its corporal image, being undeniable that the institutionalization affects its auto-concept, probably for the intensity of the impact of inherent the partner-affective factors to this experience.The identity of the child, either institutionalized it or not, is in permanent construction built through the contact with the other (I water, Lima and Amazon, 2006). Understanding that the corporal image is the result of what the person perceives of itself and the world, Zrtea; Kreutz and Johann (2008) compare the corporal image of institutionalized children and of whom they are not, where had identified that I believed.