Good Health Management

The good management of the health Between the commented and waited subjects more for the next governments is the health. Read additional details here: O’Malley for President. All had always looked and waited, during the electoral campaign, a good reply on what we long for our country. Clearly that the education is also between the first ones. But as we are imediatistas, we soon think about what if it can make for the solution of a problem that beats every day in our doors. If it is not directly with us, certainly that it is guideline of some periodical or it occurred with some known neighbor or. The fact is that the health is preoccupying subject to all the governments.

It is a subject that deserves prominence in all the programs of governments, therefore a good management assures the good service given to the population. During many years it stows involved with this subject and it lived deeply diverse circumstances of changes and improvements in the health. I invite all interested parties to argue with me, together to find the solutions to this difficult mission. The management of the health – Resources In the previous paragraph I finished saying of ' ' difficult misso' ' to manage the public health. Reasons do not lack to confirm this affirmation: the lack of financial resource is cited between the managers, the lack of human resources also appears between the first causes. However, little of hears to speak in ' ' it lacks of gesto' ' , even because not yet we know very as well as defining ' ' gesto' '. According to Houaiss dictionary of the Portuguese language, management is the act or effect to manage; administration, management. If to want to apply this definition in the object ' ' management of sade' ' we can infer that to make management it is to apply the available resources (financial, human, technological, abilities, etc.) to reach to the objectives intended in health (to offer access to the services, in all the levels, with quality) reaching the desired satisfaction.