Master Leather

As a result, surface is flat and smooth, almost flawless. Further, the surface skin is treated polymer coating, protecting it from moisture and contamination. At the end on the leveled surface of the skin is applied with a roller embossed (perforation). In this way a truly beautiful and smart materials beautiful natural basis. > follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. This type of skin – the easiest to clean and very durable, furniture in it is perfect for families with small children or animals, it is good, for example, of the upholstered furniture, that is planned to be used frequently and intensively.

. Category B (top performance) – aniline and semi-aniline leather with partially adjusted person. Used higher-quality pelts, they have a very small number of vices, which are slightly aligned filler and pigment. This category of skin more expensive one, because of water absorption and air-tightness, it is closer to the surface of category C. This is applied to the skin a thin protective coating which protects against moisture and dirt. In addition to decorate this skin is not required, but many use the master 'punch' to enhance the natural skin and drawings pridatey dear and respectable appearance. Category C (natural) – a new product, aniline leather with a natural person. The raw material for production of leather in this class are thick (at least 1.6 mm) soft leather with a natural top layer in tanning process translucent colored with natural dyes, and therefore preserved the natural marks – areas of differing color and structure from the general background that nonspecialists find defects.