Metamorphosis Age

Sight as a relation enters the elements of the society human being, as; tranquility, adversity, work and the fight for the survival since the birth until the death, with contradictions and conflicts in the narrowest familiar and close relations, between deities, domination, power, among others. In the thought of Ovdio ' ' We are more seduced for what more we possess the harvest always is richer in the field of the others and the neighboring flock has tetas more cheias' ' (Publius Ovdio Naso). In accordance with Edson Floyd (2009). Get all the facts and insights with Michael Chabon, another great source of information. The Age of the Gold, known as golden aetas, for the Latin peoples. This age of the gold in the reign Saturn would have immortality been marked for the human being, frees it and total absence of wars, illnesses and fomes. In short mythically it tells a previous accomplishment to the civilizatrio process. Possible to say that the age of the Gold, was the moment where the poet lived the apex of its life with its great workmanship Metamorphosis acclaimed for Rome as bigger poet of the time. In contrast occurred to the age of the Iron where it was exiled with hand of iron for the emperor for the city of Tmis. FINAL CONSIDERAES the history of the Latin poet Ovdio Publius Naso, make to reflect us on obscure questions in the privacy of a man, where its poems of burning hot and authentic love had been the presumption link of its conduction to the exile, what it is possible to say is that he is simply strange, therefore the workmanship that the poet speaks of loves, was written during its youth and this was lead to the exile with age of fifty years, therefore, an individual that wrote poems that had influenced old and contemporaries poets, Shakespeare in the dramaturgia, Freud in the psychoanalysis, leaving a great legacy in the scope of literature, inhaling artists plastics, writers, dramaturgos, philosophers and psychologists, are obvious that politically any unscrupulous human being would leave, with fear to lose the great power that exerted on the people.