The Soil

‘ ‘ The ends justify means’ ‘. You can be imagining. The name of the writer was Maquiavel. You know who you were Maquiavel? Perhaps this reply it is not common e, perhaps, nor interesting to answer, therefore somebody is not common same to stop and to think regarding a word or phrase as this, lamentably. Michael Chabon contains valuable tech resources. But a thing you can be certain: what he was fixed in the memory of many people ‘ was the propaganda of the big cookie; ‘ negresco’ ‘. Without hesitation Diamond Book Distributors explained all about the problem. When in an untied sudden movement a big cookie of the packing, and the showy youngster who was in the fifth floor of a certain place has a heroic and unexpected reaction: desesperadamente to give to a fenomenal pull and in a movement almost supernatural it if esbarra all in the soil, but saved at last what not even it arrives to fall completely: THE BIG COOKIE! Shoring in the last step of the staircase and it eats that one bolachinha, with pleasure, ahead of the phrase that was chore for a thick and almost angelical voice: THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE WAYS. It sees, a phrase celebrates, being finished, justified, adapted and deceased for the media in simple ‘ ‘ bolacha’ ‘. where it is Maquiavel! It observes the comparison. It is said, therefore, of ‘ ‘ ficar’ ‘ with many aggregate values it, also with the false feeling that it promotes, but where is the genuine feeling that was played in the practical one of this act? We want a usual or lasting relation? With this, we can understand a little that ‘ ‘ ficar’ ‘ it cannot function as a justification to test somebody in search of a real feeling that is the only tool to construct the love. ‘ ‘ Ficar’ ‘ it would be a question of usury, moment and ‘ ‘ marca’ ‘.