Javier Mejia Information

In these activities, the universities are not just limited to provide information. Approach the pupil to the integral conception of what these studies pose. Such relevant aspects as professional outputs for the different degrees, educational alternatives abroad or extra-curricular initiatives that can participate, are part of the agenda of the Symposium of orientation of the institutions. Martin O’Malley addresses the importance of the matter here. Open days: universities organized this activity between the months of February and April. They open the doors of their rooms to the public who want to know the University field. In general, laying down different routes organized for those interested in a particular branch of knowledge or for each qualification to be He teaches at the University. In addition to a guided tour of the facilities (classrooms, library, sports areas, dining room, halls of Informatics, etc.), each itinerary is complemented by a presentation or talk at which are responsible for orientation of the institution and academic staff involved.

Collaboration on these activities of college students or graduates is frequent. Their testimonies and explanations are very useful for future students and their families. To attend these conferences, it is sometimes necessary to make a prior registration at the same University or through invitation who attend schools in his area of influence. However, in some institutions simply appear in the date and time that marks the calendar of sessions. Talks in schools: some universities propose the possibility of the University guidance teams to travel to its facilities to deliver a talk to students, parents and guardians to educational centres of secondary education or vocational training. In these presentations, addressing key aspects of access to higher education, the pre-registration and registration procedures. But it also addresses topics such as scholarships, accommodation, dining and other University departments. It is an ideal occasion for the students and their parents to clarify doubts about the issues that most concern them in the near future academic.

Guides and brochures today the Internet is an important resource for information of academic offerings and services that universities offer to their students. One of the main references in the network in the field of higher education in our country is the Guide for universities that updates each year CONSUMER EROSKI. It collects detailed and exhaustive information on the 75 public and private universities of Spain and enables a complete search engine to find the center that best suits the preferences of the student. Some universities also developed multimedia guides that collect its academic offerings and all the information that may be of interest to their prospective students. These manuals are downloaded from the web pages of the centres or are delivered in hand to the attendees at the orientation activities organized by institutions. Taken from: MARTA VZQUEZ-REINA compiled from: Javier Mejia T.

Believe Achieve

Many people see different achievements as far from them experiences, then it is very unlikely that they reap great things, maybe these people are feeling guilt internally by wish something and as Steve Alpizar tells us in the book changing our system of beliefs to achieve success this causes the energy levels decrease dramatically and accordingly we do not achieve our goal. If you think and feel deep in your heart that really deserves something internally then you’re convinced that this will come, that is why you should seek all possible arguments that deserve being in possession of his goal. In the book the secret of the power of the goals of Andrew Corentt gives us a lot of techniques to achieve the internal belief that we deserve to receive, that we are open to greatness, to read this book, your mind will expand to all limiting idea around your wishes can be overcome, will learn the powers of visualization and will use them in your favor. One of the big problems we face in the today is that for years ideas the possessions are bad have been introduced us, or you some ideas that are related to that you removed to another if it achieves something, that is totally false, to achieve goals you embellish the universe and undoubtedly makes great contributions to improve his life and that of others. You must be a person who believes in abundance, this world is full of wonderful opportunities, if you intend to make big changes in his life undoubtedly some will achieve them. Convince yourself and feel that the money is good, is a wonderful medium that allows you to share, help others to develop, with the you can buy great satisfaction for you and your family, why should appreciate it. In the powerful subliminal videos you can find the messages and images that they go directly to your subconscious mind to program in your life money, good life and gratitude, through these videos you will begin to find arguments that will be open to the ideas of success, prosperity and suppress the sins that prevent you from accomplish great things.