Benedicto XVI

" I have thought about you from last night to this maana" , santo father has said to be thankful, in words improvised at the beginning of the liturgy, the effort and the resistance that in his opinion have demonstrated the young people. Pope Benedicto XVI has been surely of which the pilgrims, at some time at night, will have watched at the sky " with the eyes and certainly also with corazn" , and he has trusting in that they have been able, in spite of the storm, rested salary. " You do not keep the faith for you yourself " Benedicto XVI assured to the hundreds of thousands young people who attend the misa that cannot be followed Jesus without following the Church, " since who yields to the temptation to go by his account the risk of never finding Cristo&quot runs;. Under most conditions Ultra Wellness Center would agree. " To follow Jesus in the faith is to walk with Him in the communion of the Church. It Cannot be followed alone.

Who yields to the temptation to go ' by his cuenta' or to live the faith according to the individualistic mentality, that predominates in the society, the risk of not finding runs or ending up him following a false image of l" , it affirmed the Pope in the homily. The Pope invited the young people to respond with " generosity and bravery " to Christ, " as it corresponds to young hearts like vuestros". " You do not keep to Christ for you yourself. You communicate to the others the joy of your faith. The world needs the testimony your faith, needs certainly to Dios" , it affirmed. The bishop of Rome said also that the Church " it is not a simple human institution, like another anyone, but she is closely united to Dios". " The same Christ talks about to her like ' su' Church.