Ukraine Reproductive Medicine

Nearly one-fifth pair in Ukraine has problems conceiving. The last hope for the infertile couple – Reproductive Medicine. Within ten years of marriage, Joe and Julia wanted a child, but the long-awaited pregnancy is not advancing. They have visited many doctors Reproduction, Julia did four cycles of artificial insemination, without success. The long-awaited child was born four years ago as a result of the regular procedure of artificial insemination, which was carried out using the latest technology.

Then Julia was 36, and her husband – 37 years. With the development in Ukraine Reproductive Medicine more infertile couples are able to conceive children. Effectiveness of some new programs is quite high – 60-70%. Today, 15 domestic specialty clinics provide services for artificial insemination. In the best of them using such technology comes to 500 babies a year. However, it is quite expensive fun, affordable, according to doctors, only 3-4% of those in need.

At the same time, the number of those who come to them for help, with increases each year by an average of 10-15%. Main infertility According to the specialists to the UN's 2300 population of Ukraine's 27 million people. This will result in a steady decline of population, which is now observed in the country. One of the main reasons fertility decline consider the economic factor. At the same time, population growth affects the ability to conceive. According to various estimates, in Ukraine, from 15 million pairs of 1 to 3 million are infertile. More precise data are not as Global Research infertility problems are not carried out.

First Child

Breastfeeding – it's the best way to feed the child after birth. It helps the formation of the close relationship between mother and child. The newborn is dependent on his mother. Breast-feeding has a tremendous influence in shaping the child's mind and restore the mother after childbirth. Mother's milk is a unique product that provides the child with nutrients and antibodies necessary to protect the child's immune system against infections. It is easier to digest and assimilate.

Milk appears after 12-48 hours after birth and first colostrum is produced, which stimulates the immune system a child, contributes to the development of the immature gut of the child, protects the child from developing allergies. It is therefore very important that the baby is getting colostrum immediately after birth within a few feedings. If earlier it was believed that the child should be fed by the clock (6, 9,12,15,18,21,24 hours), but now pediatricians recommend feeding on demand. Baby to attach up to 20 times a day, and some kids eat in 15 minutes. When breastfeeding is not need to limit the time the kid that he spends at the breast. It is known that breast milk is divided into front and rear. Front baby drinks, it is less nutritious and contains lots of water. Back more milk fat.

AND therefore, to have baby worked correctly intestines, and he gain weight, you need to let him suckle as much as he wants – during prolonged feeding the baby will receive and forward the milk, and back. The most important thing in feeding – a good attachment to the baby's mother's breast. To the kid ate, gain weight and my mother was not hurt during feeding, it is necessary to know the rules apposition to the chest. For First, you need to take a correct and comfortable (for both moms and for kids) position. All kid's body (not just his head) should be turned to your mother. Tummies mother and baby should be closely in contact. Wide open (As if yawning) mouth baby must capture not only the nipple but most of the areola. The upper part of the areola can be seen, and the bottom should be in the mouth of the child. Good attachment to get rid of Mom cracked nipples and promote milk production in the required quantities. The success of breast-feeding is strongly influenced by the psychological condition of women. If she's comfortable, it does not gnaw at problems, and milk from her will suffice. And if a woman is constantly under stress, she worried that she did not have enough milk, it can negatively affect milk production. Bad mood Momma can cause children's colic, flatulence, headaches and frequent regurgitation of the baby. It is therefore necessary to control myself, stay calm and to adjust itself to the best.

Vitamin D: Sun Ray

To have strong, healthy bones and teeth, the human body needs not only sufficient quantities of calcium, but in large amounts of vitamin D, which helps absorb calcium. Vitamin D is produced from two fundamentally different sources: produced by the body or supplied with food. Under the skin is a special substance, which under the action of ultraviolet sunlight produces vitamin D3. A related site: Bernie Sanders mentions similar findings. This vitamin is processed organism, and only then comes into the processes that regulate calcium levels. Natural vitamin D3 is contained in some foods – eggs, liver, milk, butter, cheese and oily fish. Synthetic vitamin D is obtained by irradiation with low doses of radiation a substance called ergosterol, which produce some kinds of fungi.

This forms a vitamin D2. It is used in vitamin supplements and fortified with artificial Some products – margarine, breakfast cereals, dairy products and baby food. PROCESSING OF CALCIUM The main function of vitamin D is to maintain the necessary level of calcium in the blood. In addition, it defines necessary intake of calcium from the blood to the bones, and with decreasing levels of calcium in the blood – the reverse process. Vitamin D, as obtained from food or produced by the body, is deposited in the liver, where the various processes into a particular substance. Then it goes into the kidneys, which undergoes further changes. If the level of calcium in the blood drops, the body begins producing the hormone, causing the kidneys to allocate processed more vitamin D. This vitamin enhances the absorption of calcium from digested food and promotes entry of calcium into the blood from the bone.