Childrens Rooms

Via: Ideas Guillen Blog with ideas of interior decoration. 1 – Choose the lacquered furniture with non-toxic paints and rounded edges. 2 – Choose with ingrown nails instead of shooters. If it is not possible, opt for the larger handle in case of detachment, they can not be swallowed by the child. 3 – Drawers containing built-in guides metal so that they cannot fall upon the child opens them. 4 – Put safety locks on cabinet doors so that you can not open them. 5 – Crib must have adjustable handrail height and with safety lock. In addition, we have to use a cot protector to avoid that the child be hit with the balusters.

6-Do not use pillow in the crib of the baby until it can flip itself. In this way, we will eliminate risk of suffocation. When we go to buy the pillow, choose it flat, anti-allergic and washable. 7 – Always use protective plugs and cubreradiadores. 8 – Be very careful with the shade tapes and never leave within reach of the child, the cords of curtains. 9 – Use door stop to prevent that the door of the room be closed by a stream of air. 10-Never leave a child car seat or any type of object that could raise the child near a window. 11 Choose the dishes and reso of utensils made of plastic materials, instead of glass or ceramic.