The Economic Sphere

The other basic point of our economy, is that the oil revenue goes exclusively to the government and foreign-exchange, ie the ability to import. The owner of the oil resource would be the people of the nation and the product he should be given by the government that represents it. Since the nationalization has been discussed and fought to decide whether a portion of that income, it can distribute it to the company that removed. This, thanks to its efficient organization and superior knowledge, much of the state gained independence and became a shareholder in a new distribution center. In 2003 the state controlled the company at the expense of reducing its efficiency. Over time they may become independent again. It is a trend of management of any large company.

In practice, the administration of our governments has been a sharing of oil revenues and taxes itself to private domestic work, maintenance of which depends heavily on the ability to import and direct subsidies and indirect income generated by that. This has given the government extraordinary power and great intensity to the struggle to get into it (and before that PDVSA), ie to get as high as possible in the pyramid of distributors. For his part, Venezuelan economist and founding member of the Bolivarian Socialist Economy Association (ABES), Alfonso Alvarez, expresses, in reviewing any of the indicators of the national economy, you can check the arguments that make up the discourse of business against the government have no basis and suggests that the sole purpose of these false matrices of opinion economic sphere is to create an enabling environment to bring forward a coup.