Wind Alternative Energy Sources

Wind energy is the energy obtained from the wind, i.e., the kinetic energy generated by effect of air currents, and that is converted into other forms useful for human activities. Currently, wind energy is mainly used for producing electricity using wind turbines. Wind energy is a clean, renewable, plentiful resource and helps reduce emissions GHG replacing thermoelectric-based fossil fuels, making it a kind of green energy. However, the main drawback is its intermittent, which require constant and strong winds another problem is its great cost for its manufacture and its size, this prevents you from using it anywhere. Wind energy gets electricity from the movement of air over the surface of the Earth. Wind power stations are normally composed of large farms of windmills in areas with relatively constant and strong winds. These farms are normally considered to be unattractive.

In addition, the windmills disrupt low-intensity winds, and can be very noisy. Both of these facts create problems for local bird populations, especially the death of many of them. Mills also need constant maintenance, since they consist of many moving parts exposed to the elements. In addition to a supplementary motor to spin the blades when there is much wind. Considerable several kilometers offshore wind farms are now being installed. All this makes very accessible to consumers acquire this technology, by all these features mentioned. In costuraste they are the technologies that produce electrical and thermal energy of the catchment of the energy emitted by the Sun, among the most efficient we found solar concentrators, since they concentrated all power in a focal point, multiplying the energy that emits the Sun, this type of technology is more accessible by its cost, also by the space that requires, can be installed on any site. To be able to benefit even more than solar energy, it would be advisable to acquire a team capable of producing both thermal and photovoltaic energy simultaneously, there are currently few companies able to produce this technology, an innovative equipment capable of producing a large amount of energy is one called solarbeam, this system produces these two types of energy in large quantity, its parabolic design allows to capture solar energy and redirect to a focal point, where a heat exchanger, which transfers the thermal energy is to a liquid carrier Calo in addition to be found in that same focal point photovoltaic cells that produce electric power, this focal point capable of producing these two energies have a measure of about 25 square centimeters, another of its characteristics is that it has a solar tracking system potato harvest sunlight throughout the day and receive them perpendicularly, solar tracking system consists of a GPS and a celestial algorithm only, in addition to various security systems, with this innovative system it can greatly leverage the whole solar energy, this being a clean, renewable and free resource, giving us the possibility to save money and more importantly contribute to considerably reducing emissions of polluting gases.

New On Resorts Alacati, Bodrum, Marmaris .

Resort on the peninsula of Cesme Alacati – in many ways an unusual resort. Here, carefully preserved the atmosphere of a small fishing village, which was once a Alacati. And at the same time, large-scale projects worth hundreds of millions of euros. Stone houses in the old style, antique shops, confectionery and tea houses, all made Alacati stylish, attractive place to Istanbul and the European beau monde. Art Galleries, exhibition and sale of sculptures town attractive for the representatives of the bohemians. Here, the water built this city, like Venice, the cost of the project – more than five hundred million euros. In the old pirate fortress which became a restaurant overlooking the bay, you can drink Turkish coffee mug, and then rent a catamaran or yacht, and go on a day to dive and swim among hundreds of islets. Very good condition here and windsurfing.

Bodrum is located between two such magnificent resort like Marmaris and Izmir. By the Sea is suitable green hills covered with tangerine, lemon, orange groves and pine forests. Among entertainment available here, scuba diving, tennis, swimming, yachting, horseback riding, excursions to Dalyan Pammukale, Ephesus, boat trips to the islands. You can see a Crusader castle, which bears the name of St. Peter. This building was constructed a decade, and covers an area of more than 3 million square meters! Now the castle has an excellent museum of underwater archeology, and there has accumulated a vast collection of antiquities.

Interesting buduet see also Myndos gate, and an amphitheater of Bodrum. Marmaris is situated on the shore of the bay, where the Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean sea merge together. The air here is filled with the smell the hot sun of pines and oleanders, constantly blowing a fresh sea breeze. Hotels have a large area, swimming pools, situated amidst a pine forest, is popular vacation on all-inclusive. The coastline consists of cozy coves where you can easily find privacy. Marmaris embankment has a length of more than four kilometers, even in Istanbul, there is no long promenade. Located on the waterfront discos, nightclubs, restaurants and cafes. From Marmaris go on excursions to the warm Sources Pammukale in Ephesus to the house of the Virgin Mary, the island of Cleopatra, which was her residence.

Master Franchises Available Higiensec-Unisec

Higiensec has Masterfranquicias available for entrepreneurs and business groups that want to develop our successful model of dry cleaning business in your country or region. In these moments we are implanted in Spain, which is where lies the matrix franchise, and in China, United States, Hong Kong, Portugal, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Germany, Turkey, Ireland, Greece, Russia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Angola. We have over 300 franchises in Spain and we continue to grow. In China we already reached 200 franchised units and also we continue to grow at a good pace. In the Asian country our chain is called UNISEC. We also have a factory where we manufacture machinery for dry-cleaners in addition in the Asian giant. In Latin America we have us recently implemented in Venezuela and Ecuador and have this region of high growth and great potential, as one of our strategic points of growth worldwide. We offer the MasterFranquiciado future of dry cleaning Higiensec brand of first level world, Higiensec deal directly with manufacturer of machinery, with significant savings on shopping commissions direct, fast and cheap access to any replacement to repair machinery technology worldwide, the EcoDry Cleaning transfer of our know-how in dry cleaners franchises accumulated during more than 30 years in the elegant corporate image sector and very worked to educate all people needed to start up a franchise chain: technicians in machinery, planchadoras-desmanchadoras, customer service, management of the computer program direct and continuous line with the Central franchise in Spain for any query. Continuous support and transfer of all the novelties and the Know How that we are implementing in our exclusivity of zone franchises to the MasterFranquicia info + 0034 93 580 53 44