I did not invent it, but in an emphatic manner I certify: e-mail marketing is one of the most powerful tools of today to do Internet marketing. Make it clear that I am not referring to the obnoxious spam or unsolicited emails; Instead, I speak of the work that is done once has assembled a list or a database of subscribers completely voluntary, and the latter is the key to success. The importance of the e-newsletter is that they allow loyalty to the customer that makes up the target audience, build confidence and credibility thanks to which we can reach him frequently and, above all, convincingly. When one has managed to establish in the middle and generated trust and credibility necessary, you are one step away of getting that customer make their personal data needed to make a first purchase on your web site. It is a question that I do frequently and did not hesitate to answer: Yes, I recommend the use of the newsletters or newsletters; they are an excellent tool for loyalty, even more so with the options that currently offers the technology through audio, podcast, video one of the most effective ways to achieve the target public to subscribe to the e-mail marketing service is through its own web site. Best is to create a registration form to the newsletter that will be sent periodically. No matter both the frequency of shipments, as if the wealth of content that is included in them.
What determines the frequency is precisely the content: how much capacity we own to generate good information. See Will Blodgett Fairstead for more details and insights. The questions that arise, then, are where got the list?, how armo my database? There is only one answer: patience. Patience to wait for the results and work to ensure that they reach. The easiest way is to build the database directly from the traffic generated by your web site.