Women In The Network To Advance

So outdated as the traditional role model that sees the woman as a housewife behind the domestic hearth, is the belief that women with the Internet have nothing on their hats. The female sex is, however, as in many other areas of society, incidentally, also on the web on the rise. Almost every second woman in Europe is “online” as a study of the pan-European industry association EIAA (European Interactive Advertising Association) found out. 41 percent of respondents said they regularly surf the Internet and then do different things. On top of the popularity of the search terms from a search engine ranking, closely followed by sending e-mails. Particularly young women 16 to 24 years have no hesitation to deal with the new technology. This is different but still among the older women. From 55 years, the participation rate decreases significantly. Only 15 percent of those ages to surf regularly. However, they also recorded solid growth rates over the next few yearsmore likely to increase. Reason for this will certainly be the continuing expansion of online shopping, which currently already enjoys increasing popularity. 51 percent of women surveyed in Europe said they like “online shopping” to go. Be it travel, tennis rackets, CDs, pants or gifts, everything makes a demand on the network, in which the women have an increasingly larger share. In chat rooms or web forums, however it is only a little feminine. Women who are looking for a partner who align themselves with reputable brokerage rather than to find good luck with the virtual blind date to be.